하이커 그라운드 공식 홈페이지(HiKR GROUND)

새학기 하이커 모먼트
(New Semester HiKR Moment)

페이지 정보

작성일 2023-03-11


New Semester HiKR Moment

Event period : 7th Mar(Tue) - 31st Mar(Fri)


Dress up in school uniform and go to school as HiKR!

Show off your looks at our HiKR Geumsoni Studio located on the 3rd floor and take pictures and

using a Polaroid camera decorate them.


We will find the best school uniform look and the winner of the audition will be given a voucher for

30 burger sets.

Registration : Inquire at Geumsoni Studio on the 3rd floor, until 3.19 (Sun).

Voting Period : 3.25 (Sat) - 3.31 (Fri), offline voting at Geumsoni Studio.

Please check the HiKR Instagram page for the first week of April!


Don’t miss out and upload your photo taken at Geumsoni with the required hashtags!

Required Hashtags: #hikrground #newsemester_hikr_moment #showingoff_schooluniform_moment

목록으로 돌아가기
영상정보처리기기 운영/관리방침

서울시 중구 청계천로 40 / TEL : 02-729-9497~9
